DNPA Code of Ethics

At Thunderbean Animation, we adhere to the highest standards of ethical journalism as outlined by the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA). Our commitment includes:

  1. Accuracy and Fairness: We ensure that all information published is thoroughly vetted, fact-checked, and presented fairly without bias.
  2. Transparency: We clearly disclose our sources and correct errors promptly when identified.
  3. Impartiality: We strive to maintain neutrality, presenting all sides of an issue without favoritism.
  4. Respect for Privacy: We respect the privacy of individuals and avoid publishing personal information unless in the public interest.
  5. Responsible Reporting: We avoid sensationalism and ensure that our content does not incite hatred, violence, or discrimination.
  6. Accountability: We take responsibility for our content and are open to feedback and corrections.

Thunderbean Animation is committed to upholding these principles to ensure that our readers can trust the information we provide.